98 research outputs found

    Winding Number in String Field Theory

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    Motivated by the similarity between cubic string field theory (CSFT) and the Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, we study the possibility of interpreting N=(\pi^2/3)\int(U Q_B U^{-1})^3 as a kind of winding number in CSFT taking quantized values. In particular, we focus on the expression of N as the integration of a BRST-exact quantity, N=\int Q_B A, which vanishes identically in naive treatments. For realizing non-trivial N, we need a regularization for divergences from the zero eigenvalue of the operator K in the KBc algebra. This regularization must at same time violate the BRST-exactness of the integrand of N. By adopting the regularization of shifting K by a positive infinitesimal, we obtain the desired value N[(U_tv)^{\pm 1}]=\mp 1 for U_tv corresponding to the tachyon vacuum. However, we find that N[(U_tv)^{\pm 2}] differs from \mp 2, the value expected from the additive law of N. This result may be understood from the fact that \Psi=U Q_B U^{-1} with U=(U_tv)^{\pm 2} does not satisfy the CSFT EOM in the strong sense and hence is not truly a pure-gauge in our regularization.Comment: 20 pages, no figures; v2: references added, minor change

    The off-shell Veneziano amplitude in Schnabl gauge

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    We give a careful definition of the open string propagator in Schnabl gauge and present its worldsheet interpretation. The propagator requires two Schwinger parameters and contains the BRST operator. It builds surfaces by gluing strips of variable width to the left and to the right of off-shell states with contracted or expanded local frames. We evaluate explicitly the four-point amplitude of off-shell tachyons. The computation involves a subtle boundary term, crucial to enforce the correct exchange symmetries. Interestingly, the familiar on-shell physics emerges even though string diagrams produce Riemann surfaces more than once. Off-shell, the amplitudes do not factorize over intermediate on-shell states.Comment: 48 pages, 10 figures. v2:acknowledgments adde

    The boundary state for a class of analytic solutions in open string field theory

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    We construct a boundary state for a class of analytic solutions in the Witten's open string field theory. The result is consistent with the property of the zero limit of a propagator's length, which was claimed in [19]. And we show that our boundary state becomes expected one for the perturbative vacuum solution and the tachyon vacuum solution. We also comment on possible presence of multi-brane solutions and ghost brane solutions from our boundary state.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Tachyon Vacuum in Cubic Superstring Field Theory

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    In this paper we give an exact analytic solution for tachyon condensation in the modified (picture 0) cubic superstring field theory. We prove the absence of cohomology and, crucially, reproduce the correct value for the D-brane tension. The solution is surprising for two reasons: First, the existence of a tachyon vacuum in this theory has not been definitively established in the level expansion. Second, the solution {\it vanishes} in the GSO(−)(-) sector, implying a ``tachyon vacuum'' solution exists even for a {\it BPS} D-brane.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    A Simple Analytic Solution for Tachyon Condensation

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    In this paper we present a new and simple analytic solution for tachyon condensation in open bosonic string field theory. Unlike the B_0 gauge solution, which requires a carefully regulated discrete sum of wedge states subtracted against a mysterious "phantom" counter term, this new solution involves a continuous integral of wedge states, and no regularization or phantom term is necessary. Moreover, we can evaluate the action and prove Sen's conjecture in a mere few lines of calculation.Comment: 44 pages

    Comments on regularization of identity based solutions in string field theory

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    We analyze the consistency of the recently proposed regularization of an identity based solution in open bosonic string field theory. We show that the equation of motion is satisfied when it is contracted with the regularized solution itself. Additionally, we propose a similar regularization of an identity based solution in the modified cubic superstring field theory.Comment: 24 pages, two subsections added, two references adde

    The energy of the analytic lump solution in SFT

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    In a previous paper a method was proposed to find exact analytic solutions of open string field theory describing lower dimensional lumps, by incorporating in string field theory an exact renormalization group flow generated by a relevant operator in a worldsheet CFT. In this paper we compute the energy of one such solution, which is expected to represent a D24 brane. We show, both numerically and analytically, that its value corresponds to the theoretically expected one.Comment: 45 pages, former section 2 suppressed, Appendix D added, comments and references added, typos corrected. Erratum adde

    Disk Partition Function and Oscillatory Rolling Tachyons

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    An exact cubic open string field theory rolling tachyon solution was recently found by Kiermaier et. al. and Schnabl. This oscillatory solution has been argued to be related by a field redefinition to the simple exponential rolling tachyon deformation of boundary conformal theory. In the latter approach, the disk partition function takes a simple form. Out of curiosity, we compute the disk partition function for an oscillatory tachyon profile, and find that the result is nevertheless almost the same.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures. v4: discussion clarified, appendix added, conclusions unchanged; version to appear in J.Phys.

    Generating Erler-Schnabl-type Solution for Tachyon Vacuum in Cubic Superstring Field Theory

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    We study a new set of identity-based solutions to analyze the problem of tachyon condensation in open bosonic string field theory and cubic superstring field theory. Even though these identity-based solutions seem to be trivial, it turns out that after performing a suitable gauge transformation, we are left with the known Erler-Schnabl-type solutions which correctly reproduce the value of the D-brane tension. This result shows explicitly that how a seemingly trivial solution can generate a non-trivial configuration which precisely represents to the tachyon vacuum.Comment: 22 pages, references added, appendix added, 2 subsections adde

    On Gauge Equivalence of Tachyon Solutions in Cubic Neveu-Schwarz String Field Theory

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    Simple analytic solution to cubic Neveu-Schwarz String Field Theory including the GSO(−)GSO(-) sector is presented. This solution is an analog of the Erler-Schnabl solution for bosonic case and one of the authors solution for the pure GSO(+)GSO(+) case. Gauge transformations of the new solution to others known solutions for the NSNS string tachyon condensation are constructed explicitly. This gauge equivalence manifestly supports the early observed fact that these solutions have the same value of the action density.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe
